Maria Madalena Chapel

Maria Madalena Chapel

This passiological pilgrimage, in ascension, by the right or by the left, takes us respectively, to two chapels in granite stonework and arched door.

These are different from all the others because they are embedded in the rock, functioning like caves.

The construction of these two chapels was decided by the table term of July 14 1841 and rectified on July 30 of the same year.

This chapel represents the cave, where Maria Madalena, in ecstasy, levitating herself penitenciou hidden from the world. The image of the sinner is standing on the hill, a garden, a cave, contemplating a choir of angels.

The inscription of this chapel does not correspond to the scene or to the Maria that is represented there, it refers to a passage of Maria, sister of Lázaro while the scene is of Maria Madalena.

The chapel of St. Maria Madalena has on the portico, the inscription carved on the arch: «MARIA OPTIMÉ PARTEM ELEGIT QUAE NON AUFERETUR AB EA», translated: «Mary, in fact, chose the best part, which will not be taken».
In the wall next to the chapel, the first inscription appears: «ESTA : EGREIA : E CAPELA MA(n) / DOV FAZER : O PRETONOTAIRO / DO(m) JOÃ : DA GVARDA : DEÃ(o) / DE : BRAGA : E LAMEGVO : / DO : CO(n)SELHO : DE : ELREI : / CONDE PALATINO POR SVA D / EVACA(o) / A XB D(ias) : DO MES: DE: SETENBRO DO ANO : DE : 1522».

Immediately below this stone, another inscription: «INDICA A REEDHI(fi)CA / ÇÃO DA 2. CAPELLA EM / 1522 QUE FOI ABOLIDA NO / TEMPO DE D. RODRIGO DE / MOURA E TELLES EM 1725. / ANNO DE 1839».


The Bom Jesus do Monte, an unavoidable reference.