Unção Chapel
Between the gates of the Inn and the Evangelists patio, two chapels appear by through the grove in the resurrection stairways: the Deposition in the Tomb or Anointing (or Tears), and the Resurrection chapel.
The chapel of the Anointing of the Lord body, to the right of who ascends, is a construction of the time of D. Rodrigo de Moura Teles, in hexagonal plan, showing abroad the sign «POSUERUNT EUM IN MONUMENTO», translated by: «deposited it in the tomb».
The sacrosanct corpse lying on a sheet will be anointed and shrouded before it goes down to the grave. The disciples José of Arimateia and Nicodemos hold him with their hands, their heads and their feet.
Maria Most Holy contemplates her Divine Son, deeply embittered, having to the right the pious women, Maria Cléofas and the Verónica and to the left, Maria Salomé, Madalena, kneeling, weeping copiously. Tears streamed down his pale, macerated face.
Behind the Blessed Virgin, S. João Evangelist and 4 other men, in very expressive attitudes of pain and haunting.
In front, on the left side, the Roman centurion with helmet and spear in the hand.
The figure, set of 14 images, was provided by Father Silvestre de Campos and executed by António Monteiro.