Canon Mário Martins takes over as president of the Confraria do Bom Jesus

New president defends that Bom Jesus “should continue to be a national reference for all pilgrims and visitors”

Canon Mário Martins took over the charge of the president of the Confraria do Bom Jesus do Monte, replacing Father Adelino Costa, to whom the Confraria thanks for all his efforts over several years.

During the inauguration Canon Mário Martins thanked those who are part of this team and said that “they will serve the Brotherhood in the continuous defense of the Bom Jesus do Monte Sanctuary, a World Heritage place”.

The new president also reinforced that the Bom Jesus do Monte Sanctuary must remain “a national and international reference for all pilgrims and visitors, for all those who, in the ecclesial spirit, want to manifest the wonders of this vast heritage, based on a sustainable perspective of the entire Sanctuary and its surroundings “.

“At the same time, providing greater interaction between those who visit and let themselves be involved by the essence of the Bom Jesus resort, it will seek to maintain a constant dialogue, which involves all friends of Bom Jesus do Monte and all local, national and international entities”, maintained the president.

General Assembly and Fiscal Council

The Vice-President, Varico Pereira, the Secretary, Vicente Craveiro, the Treasurer, Luís Carlos Fonseca, and the members, Mário Paulo Pereira, Abel Barroso, Aristides Silva, Domingos Lopes, Sandra Azevedo, Canon João Paulo Alves, and Filipe Salgado also took office.

Luís Braga da Cruz took over as chairman of the General Meeting and Paulo Mourão as chairman of the Fiscal Council. The General Assembly is also found by the secretaries Fernando Fidalgo and Maria do Céu Ameixinha and the General Council by the Members, Artur Moreira and Domingos Pereira. Father Miguel Ângelo Costa took up his position at the Surveillance Agency.