Editorial Statute of the newspaper “Bom Jesus do Monte”
1 – The ”Bom Jesus do Monte” is a newspaper with specialized information and Christian inspiration, its main source of news being everything that concerns the life of the Confraternity of Bom Jesus do Monte.
2 – The ”Bom Jesus do Monte” is owned by the Confraria do Bom Jesus do Monte, being a Christian-inspired newspaper.
3 – ”Bom Jesus do Monte” is at the service of the Confraria do Bom Jesus do Monte and intends to serve as a link between all the devotees of Bom Jesus do Monte do Monte.
4 – “Bom Jesus do Monte” is a quarterly newspaper. It has a predominantly regional scope, but is directed to the whole world.
5 – The “Bom Jesus do Monte” rejects any form of oppression and totalitarianism, whether right or left. Its conduct is based on the defense of the values of the Catholic Church.
6 – As a Christian-inspired newspaper, ”Bom Jesus do Monte” condemns everything that opposes human life, such as all kinds of murder, genocide, death, abortion, euthanasia and voluntary suicide. It also rejects everything that violates human integrity and offends the dignity of the person.
7 – “Bom Jesus do Monte” is at the service of information that is as true and objective as possible, diversified within its news sources. It is still open to pluralism and diversity of opinions, however, having as limits those resulting from the Church’s Doctrine.8 – ”Bom Jesus do Monte” is a newspaper independent of any political and economic power.