Pedro Vilas Boas Tavares, lecturer of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, was the guest of another session of the “Conferências do Bom Jesus do Monte“, which took place yesterday at the Hotel do Parque, in the office of the Bom Jesus. In his intervention, the teacher showed that a Cross was used by the monarchs from the beginning of nationality as an essencial element and symbol of the providential mission of Portugal.
In a conference supported also in images of the Cross, in various circumstances, Pedro Vilas Boas Tavaras remembered that the national flag itself incorporated the Cross, precisely because of D.Afonso Henriques, the first king of Portugal, in the fight for independence.
In fact, one of the images shown to those present was precisely the retable of the “Milagre de Ourique“, oil painting, of Manuel dos Reis, which is in the Museum of Alberto Sampaio, in Guimarães.
In fact, according to the speaker, D.Afonso Henriques was a confessed admirer of the Santa Cruz and felt himself to be «protected» by the Cross. «The foundational devotions were important throughout the history of Portugal, especially in moments of crisis and in the beginning of history. For example, in the beginning of Dinastia de Avis; and then in another fresh with D.João IV. They will consciously resume this thread», he said.
Pedro Vilas Boas Tavares also noted the attention to D.Manuel I gave to the Cross, making even a great investment in the tombs of the kings, giving them another dignity. The theses of José Mattoso on the cross were cited several times at the conference.